Sunday, August 19, 2007

Mademoiselle & her Random-ness #2

It's a weekend and I am being lazy. I've got no willpower on doing anything at all especially today and pathetically, I've been on bed all day wif my ol' lappy. Boy! i'm definitely ruining my life...being pathetically lazy...hehehe...

I've been doing a lot of blog hopping these days and had stumbled many interesting local blogs to read. One of 'em, for sure became an addiction for me as I love real stories about Love, Life and Emotions. I've been finishing reading his previous post till to date and it is indeed an eye opener.
I hope he'll update soon. *Wink*

Another that caught me interest is a letter sent to one of the bloggers. It's a long one but a good read for anyone. A big sympathy to what had happened to "me". It's funny how people could have the heart to take advantage out of sincerity of a person over a silly cause. It's funny how a guy could go out and do things with a girl all the time but can still be embarrassed to accept her of who she is. It's funny, because of obesity, people could overlook the inner beauty a person could have.

So do size really matters especially in relationship? Some say it does. Others say, it doesn't matter but actions do speaks louder than words. But i do met people saying that it truly doesn't matter. And this number increases these days. Has people changed their perspective on beauty? Is "fat" the in thing of this decade? Maybe "fat" with the limits, i guess. Maybe a little chubby but not wobbly. In brunei, it's inevitable that the lifestyle plays a major role in the big numbers of obesities. Eating has always been a big part of socializing with friends and family. Though, workouts and exercising has an increasing interests in the hearts of the bruneians lately, eating out is the next best thing after doing such exercising. I do admit, i fall into this category. A food lover who "sometimes" exercises and then , eat. Teehee... It runs in the family and my friends too. I do have skinny friends that has my lifestyle. :p

Anyway back to the point, are people willing to accept their partners as chubby? The letter I've mentioned above, seems to say, chubby is a no-no. But then, I've seen a couple, the girlfriend is chubby and the boyfriend is somehow "small" for her...I mean smaller in size and smaller in height. It looked awkward but they obviously do look happy. Hmmm.... Having a teddy bear won't kill, right!

Well guys, even if you dreamed of having a voluptuous women for your wifey, just remember, outer beauty won't last long, they might boom anytime, any age and sexy doesn't make you happy for a lifetime. What's most important, what you can see inside ....and something else more to combine with..hehehe :)

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