Sunday, January 6, 2008

Madamoiselle: The Zen Garden

My parents love to decor especially in the garden. We have a small pretty garden by the side of the house, decorated from the ideas of my parents with the help of our previous gardener. Our maid also has a husband who does wood work so it was easy for us to hire him to make the wood decors for the garden. The garden which also consist of a homemade fish pond, was a big hit from our visitors during Hari Raya last year. A friend's hubby call it 'The Zen Garden' as we had it dimly lit at night and the sound of the small water feature was absolutely calming.

This morning, while I did my laundry, I took a few snapshots of the garden. Well, just to enjoy the beauty of nature and for memoir..hahaha... All the pics here are fully taken from my handphone only and without being edited..except of course, just added the frames. Kesian ah..everyone else were into big cameras and i had my snapshots just from my hp. Still, got good pics from it so oklaaahhh...hahhaha nyaman kan hati :)

The Outdoor Plants

The Indoor plants.

And finally, The Garden

I love the garden but I hate gardening..hehehe... I'm juz the lazy daughter they had who loves beautiful things and decors but not the maintenance. :p

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