Friday, November 14, 2008

The Escape.

Hellew peeps,

I've been neglecting my blog for quite awhile and I could not help but envy other bloggers who seemed to be constantly updating their blogs with full loyalty..hahaha...Honestly, I've been quite hooked with "face-booking" ...and the other things that needed to be done and so the lack of concentrating to this beloved blog of mine. So today, I spared my time to write something and somehow had no other ideas of what to say except to tell you guys the food galores that i've been having a lot lately...thus the gain of weight of a madamoiselle *erk* :p

Just last nite, my sister Oleev and I had a shopping to do and came across "Escapade". Sis Oleev was not a sushi lover but she does love the other japs food and so she could not help but crave for another Japanese dinner. Without wasting time, we head for "Escapade" in Kiulap. This is what we had for dinner:

Squid something..i forgot the dishes names heheh.

really! I only ate and dun even remember the dishes names :)

this i know..Chicken Ramen

Chicken Curry Udon

Matcha Ice Cream

After dinner, got back home and slept like a beauty *uhuk* for having such a scrumptious fullfilling dinner..hahahaa

That's all for today folks. See! I really haven't warmed up yet with my blogging and i couldnt come up with anything interesting yet. Till then, I'll be writing back in a few day time, hoping i could come up with something better than i have today heheheh :p

Gud nite peeps and take care!

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